Monday, July 09, 2012

The Confectionery - 7

These are the things that I think are great.  So great that I want to sing about them.

Meghan Tonjes is a singer who has been posting her videos on YouTube for years.  As she is a woman who is not a size 0, or hyper-sexualized for your viewing pleasure, she gets occasional comments about her size.  This is her response, & it is amazing & inspiring.

"Why does it hurt you if I don't hate myself?"  Love it.

A street artist has painted a bridge in Wuppertal, Germany, so it now looks like it was constructed out of LEGO.  How cool is this?
Is it just me, or would you feel safer driving under a LEGO bridge, too?  To see more photos of the bridge, go here.  To see more art by Megx, go here.

A boy named Zachary recently made a request to the Make a Wish Foundation. Here's what special effects company Spectral Motion had to say about it: "It was Zachary's wish to meet Hellboy and also to become Hellboy. When the Make-A-Wish Foundation contacted Spectral Motion with this request, Mike thought it would be fantastic to have Ron Perlman reprise his role for the day. Ron loved the idea and donned the makeup once more (with the assistance of Lufeng Qu and Eden Elizalde) and also ordered a Hellboy sized meal of burgers, shakes, and fries for Zachary and his family and the entire Spectral crew to enjoy. Later in the day, Zachary was transformed into Hellboy with the assistance of makeup artists Lufeng Qu and Neil Winn."  That's gotta make you smile.

To see more photos, go here.

Geek & Sundry recently posted this song by comedy duo Paul & Storm.  Directed at Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin, the song is a plea for him to write faster.  His recent span of 6 years between books 4 & 5 has left many fans frustrated...& hungry.  "We need 6-paged descriptions of every last meal."

I love the HBO GoT theme that storms in at the 2:08 mark.   Also, my Mom saw this video before I did.  My Mom is cooler than your Mom.

Set to begin filming in Toronto in the Fall, the Robocop reboot starring Joel Kinnaman is getting lots of buzz.  Now, we get our first look at the updated ED-209 in this teaser, meant to be an ad for OmniCorp.

Read about my first ever viewing of Robocop - last month - here.

I recently saw this photo of latte art featuring the Death Star & Tie-Fighters.  The most artistic thing I can do with my lattes is spoon foam on top - I am now calling that "The Wampa".

After marveling at this, I searched to see if more Star Wars Latte Art existed, & it does!  Or did, since these lattes were presumably very yummy & disappeared shortly after these photos were taken.

Boba Fett

Talented, these baristas are.

Those were my favourite internet sweets of the past week.  Come back next week for more goodies!


  1. Now I need to watch that Geek & Sundry video 20 more times and send it to everyone I know. Thanks for that.

    Also, I think I'm in love with Meghan Tonjes now.

  2. Right? Such a perfect response.
