Saturday, January 10, 2015

Survivor: San Juan del Sur - LEGO - Finale

After @melgotserved posted her recap of The Bachelor mere minutes after the premiere ended last Monday, I realized I had yet to post any sort of recap for Survivor: San Juan del Sur, which had its finale roughly 3 weeks ago.

At this point, it's only worth noting that there was a deserving winner, Natalie, & that Alec making the jury was one of the best things to ever happen on Survivor.

One reason why I forgot about doing a recap was because the finale night of live-tweeting was a lot of fun on its own - I agreed to allow Kai to live-tweet for the first time & it got off to a great start.  Turns out he's pretty good at live-tweeting, like when Probst wasted time talking to a young girl named Olivia in the audience.

Or when it was challenge time.

It's interesting to interact with someone on Twitter when they are sitting right next to you.

Another reason why I forgot to do a recap was because I'm just really ready for next season to start already.  The San Juan del Sur finale ended with a preview of Season 30 - Survivor: Worlds Apart, in which someone states that they step on people in order to get to the next plateau.  Whoa.  Sounds like a player that will either be loved or hated.

CBS just released some photos, & the Tribal Council set is stunning.

Looks just like an Ewok Village, you say?  And LEGO has an amazing version?

That's incredible, because someone must have given Santa a tip.

A video posted by Lisa Ferreira (@momofkai) on

I'm very much looking forward to both watching & blogging this season, & to Kai's live-tweets, of course.  So follow us both - @MomofKai & @SonofMomofKai - & we'll be back with our thoughts & LEGO once the cast is announced!

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