I'm heading out right now to participate in my second year of a fundraiser for a theatre group. It's not an open mic, a cabaret, or a party. One of Toronto's longest running theatre groups, Curtain Call Players, hosts an annual Survivor-themed weekend at a lake in Southern Ontario, organized by the most amazing stage managers and set builders & artists you can imagine. Believe it or not, I joined the group, playing Inga in Young Frankenstein, before I knew about this. Last year was so much fun I didn't hesitate to sign up again.
For a fun DIY camping experience, it's pretty legit. Virtually only given a tarp & some pegs, fire supplies, & a bag of rice, & a Port-A-Potty (we're theatre people, not monsters), for 3 days we go through a continuous hourly cycle of Reward Challenge, Immunity Challenge, Tribal Council, Redemption Island, and then all over again until we're at the Final Tribal Council. We had Hidden Immunity Idols, a Tribe Swap, a Merge, an Auction, a blindside so fierce it almost cost 2 bros their friendship, and emotions. So many more emotions than I had thought would be felt, were.
The whole weekend was filmed, and has been edited into episodes which have been released to us on a weekly basis. As of right now, the final episode hasn't been released yet, but I will update this post the second it is & I have Internet access again, that is. So for everyone who's ever asked me if I would ever play Survivor if I could, & how I think I would do, enjoy!
Episode 1, aka Lisa Uses Survivor Challenge Knowledge to her Advantage:
Episode 2, aka Theatre Groups Incorporate Dance Into Challenges:
Episode 3, aka The Blindfold Challenge
Episode 4, aka Tribe Swap
Episode 5, aka The Merge
Episode 6, aka The Auction:
Episode 7, aka A Challenge Is Thrown:
Episode 8, aka Lisa Cries:
Episode 9, aka Fallen Comrades:
Episode 10:
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