Thursday, January 22, 2015

Survivor: Worlds Apart - The Cast in LEGO

Finally, after months of cast spoilers that began the day they left for Nicaragua, the cast of Survivor: Worlds Apart has been officially revealed.  So now I can reveal the cast in LEGO.

This season, the tribes are split into themes: White Collar vs Blue Collar vs No Collar.  I have found that the best place on the internet to get all the cast information at once (bios, pictures, videos) is at, where the videos will even play for those outside the US, unlike at - thanks for that, @truedorktimes.  Kai is ready to take a good hard look at this cast, so with a plate of kale chips in front of him (his request), here we go.



Max Dawson - @fymaxwell

There are a lot of things I could share about Max, but let's keep the focus on me.  Sure, he's on Survivor, but this is my blog, with which Max has a history.  He is the very first Survivor to ever be honoured with his own LEGO minifigure long before being cast on the show.  His minifigure made appearances in both my LEGO Caramoan Finale recap and my LEGO Blood vs Water Finale recap.  Max actually brought both of our minifigures with him to Nicaragua, so I can now say that my minifigure has been on location, which is super cool.  Sadly, I can't say the same for the minifigure in the above picture as Max only brought my minifigure back to me because he lost his very special LEGO minifigure that I had trusted him with in the sands of some Nicaraguan beach after he took his press photos.  
Kai's Thoughts: "As long as people know Max is my friend, I'm good."
You, and literally every other person on the Internet, Kai.

There are also other people on Survivor this Season, but as Kai abandoned me once his kale chips were done & we finished watching/reading everything to do with Max (who is Kai's friend, you know), I'm just going to post them all without commentary.  My intention really was to do a full cast assessment, & maybe we'll get around to updating this on the weekend when Kai is more into it.
UPDATE: He was & we did!
I promise my recaps will not be biased or specifically Max-heavy or Max-light - I know everyone looks to the blog that recaps Survivor using toys to maintain its journalistic integrity, & I will not let you down, 17 readers of mine.

Shirin Oskooi - @theshirin

Shirin would bring whiskey & Beyoncé to the island so she's my favourite White Collar.  Kai's thoughts are on why the other item she would bring would be a goat, or a muffin.  
Kai's thoughts: "Is the goat for eating or for snuggling or making clothes?"

Joaquin Souberbielle - @Joaqsworld

Joaquin would bring alcohol & music to turn the island into a party, so he's my favourite White Collar.  
Kai's thoughts: "Everything's better with alcohol unless you're my age."

Carolyn Rivera - @MamaC_14

Carolyn looks super fit and athletic.
Kai's thoughts: "She knows herself.  That's intense."

Tyler Fredrickson - @TheTFreddy

Tyler is very blond - I can't help but see my brother's childhood Cabbage Patch Kid, Ollie Hunter, in the form of a grown man.  I both like this more than I should, & find it eerie.  And of course I will find a picture of him so you can be awed as well.
Kai's thoughts: "I like how he's super confident about himself & I wonder if his football past will help him in some challenges."

So Kim - @so_kim

So would bring letters from home to remind her to dig deep - that's what Jeff Probst is for!  I love her hair.  LOVE her hair. 
Kai's thoughts: "What's she laughing at?" - re: Meet So video


Dan Foley - @chxdigme

Dan has a great look & makes a great LEGO minifigure so Dan is my favourite Blue Collar. 
Kai's thoughts: "I've never heard of disc golf."

Mike Holloway - @ucantdothat121

What are the odds that another Blue Collar plays disc golf?  
Kai's thoughts: "Me & him are so alike.  We both hate when people can't spell & we have a competitive fire inside. Never quit attitude?  Another reason me & him are so alike."

Sierra Dawn Thomas - @sierra_dawn_ (IG)

Whoa, whoa, whoa.  References to her physical, mental & emotional capabilities being at "a man's level", or "doing a man's job".  Honey, you can get it without having to see a man as the barometer of success.
Kai's thoughts: "If she was a barrel racer, she should have been in the Desolation of Smaug barrel scene. Or Donkey Kong."

Lindsey Cascaddan - @_tattoolou_ (IG)

Lindsey seems super fun & would also bring alcohol to the island, & also makes a great LEGO minifigure so she is my favourite Blue Collar.
Kai's thoughts: "Because everyone wants vodka on the island."

Kelly Remington - @remington231

Kelly would not bring alcohol to the island so I'm not sure how I feel about her.
Kai's thoughts: "She should be in Cops R' Us."

Rodney Lavoie Jr. - @Rodney_Boston

I look forward to watching Rodney use his "comical laughter" to win people over.
Kai's thoughts: "The Boston Bruins are my team and he said it was the city of champions.  It's crazy how much I have in common with these Survivors."


Joe Anglim - @Janglim21

Joe is pretty & rocks a glorious man bun.  He is my favourite No Collar.
Kai's thoughts: "He's an artist.  I am so like all of these Survivors."

Nina Poersch - @NinaPoersch

Nina's occupation is listed as Hiker, which is odd, but she seems like a sweet woman who's not afraid to backstab people so she's my favourite No Collar.
Kai's thoughts: "I'm pretty astonished.  I couldn't do that - be deaf on Survivor."

Will Sims II - @WillandMonifa

Will likes karaoke, so he's my favourite No Collar.
Kai's thoughts: "Does he want to bring lotion because he wants to look fresh like Max?"

Hali Ford - @hali_ford

Hali looks displeased with everything, like Episodes' Myra.
Kai's thoughts: "She said 'strategically' a lot which means she's probably smart...that one's more of a theory, not really a joke."

Jenn Brown - @jenncantdance

Jenn seems super chill & fun & I just want her to get that jet ski, man.
Kai's thoughts: "She's the only one who likes hockey on Survivor.  And sour candy.  That's crazy."

Vince Sly - No social media, obvs.  If you absolutely must get in touch, whisper *sexy solstice* into a westward blowing wind, and you will find a reply hidden in the next glorious man bun you see.

I don't know if I want to see anyone this season more than Vince.  A glorious man bun WITH FEATHERS CASCADING FROM IT?  Come on.
Kai's thoughts: "Best use of feathers on Survivor ever."

And those are the minifigures Kai & I will be using for recreated scenes, memes, Vines, & maybe another full-length song if something spectacular happens this season.  We'll be back in about a month with live-tweeting & more blogging, so in the meantime, follow me on Twitter - @MomofKai, and follow Kai, too - @SonofMomofKai.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Survivor: San Juan del Sur - LEGO - Finale

After @melgotserved posted her recap of The Bachelor mere minutes after the premiere ended last Monday, I realized I had yet to post any sort of recap for Survivor: San Juan del Sur, which had its finale roughly 3 weeks ago.

At this point, it's only worth noting that there was a deserving winner, Natalie, & that Alec making the jury was one of the best things to ever happen on Survivor.

One reason why I forgot about doing a recap was because the finale night of live-tweeting was a lot of fun on its own - I agreed to allow Kai to live-tweet for the first time & it got off to a great start.  Turns out he's pretty good at live-tweeting, like when Probst wasted time talking to a young girl named Olivia in the audience.

Or when it was challenge time.

It's interesting to interact with someone on Twitter when they are sitting right next to you.

Another reason why I forgot to do a recap was because I'm just really ready for next season to start already.  The San Juan del Sur finale ended with a preview of Season 30 - Survivor: Worlds Apart, in which someone states that they step on people in order to get to the next plateau.  Whoa.  Sounds like a player that will either be loved or hated.

CBS just released some photos, & the Tribal Council set is stunning.

Looks just like an Ewok Village, you say?  And LEGO has an amazing version?

That's incredible, because someone must have given Santa a tip.

A video posted by Lisa Ferreira (@momofkai) on

I'm very much looking forward to both watching & blogging this season, & to Kai's live-tweets, of course.  So follow us both - @MomofKai & @SonofMomofKai - & we'll be back with our thoughts & LEGO once the cast is announced!