*Update: Along with adding links to the Vines I made of each song, a full-length version of Hold Up, Bro is here & available on iTunes.

But the truth is, the Lego recap started because of something Coach said during the first season I recapped - South Pacific. We saw a conversation where Coach explained to Cochran who everyone on the tribe would be if they were Greek gods, & that seemed like a really fun game. (It is - have you guys seen the tweets about Survivor Caramoan as Breaking Bad characters? I was giggling all night.) So I thought I'd play Coach & cast the Survivors as Lego minifigures. And it's evolved from there. Now let's get to this season's Lego...
After last week's thrilling Tribal Council that saw Malcolm play Reynold's idol instead of his own, those 3 Alpha Beta boys are left alone in the dark while Stealth R Us debriefs.
High-Five it out, bros. |
Stealth R Us agrees to continue with the mission at hand. No need to abort due to the possibility of an idol coming into play. They "Stealth R Us" on it, like all spy organizations do.
"S R Us!" |
Cochran doesn't put his whole heart into the team-building exercise. Perhaps it brings back painful memories of the last Survivor circle he was forced to be a part of.
Dear heavenly Father... |
Phillip & Cochran are discussing Dawn's game, & whether or not they still see her as unbeatable in a Final 3 (they don't), when we hear Dawn wailing for Brenda. The "accident" CBS has been hyping is finally here. Even my satellite guide said "An accident threatens a contestant's future in the game". I was worried for Dawn. Did something happen to her that would normally happen to Skupin, but unlike Skupin, she would never recover as quickly?
Hey! I was on my way to deliver a package! Now it will be a few hours late! |
Nope. Turns out Dawn is LOSING HER SHIT because a long time ago, she lost her bottom teeth after an actual accident. Her false teeth were on a retainer & somehow fell out of her mouth, into the water. Dawn is freaking out to the point of hysteria, & asks Brenda to help. Brenda retrieves them no problem & for a second, I think I see scales. Maybe she really is a mermaid, like I hypothesized last week?
Dear Dawn, nobody is going to think anything awful about you. Nobody thinks you're elderly or have poor dental hygiene, or anything. I'm not going to harp on the crying, because I'm a big fan of crying. I just wish Dawn had taken the opportunity to be a spokesperson of sorts. I'm sure there are many people who have recently lost a tooth one way or another, who would have appreciated knowing that it would all be okay. That they wouldn't have to quit Survivor because of a few missing teeth - maybe they could even be proud of it, & wear their imperfections like a badge of honour. Come on, Dawn. Show us that smile again. Don't waste another minute on your crying.
Off to the Reward Challenge where Survivors will be divided into 2 teams before playing a similar challenge to one from last season: a race through obstacles, collecting bags of balls which will be thrown into tall baskets. First team to get all their balls in their basket wins an afternoon at a resort & a feast with all the fixin's. Malcolm uses Penner's strategy from last season which was later revealed to be Carter's idea, but which was really Penner's idea all along.
Just an excuse to play with Penner's LEGO, you say? Yes. Jealous? |
Malcolm takes a long time to find the last bag for his team, & it costs them a lot of time. Probst quickly forgets that, as he berates Sherri, on the Orange team, for taking her time on the balance beams.
You try balancing on the ground with those suckers, Probst. |
Then poor Sherri gets stuck in the rice, & there's no holding those girls back now.
Yelled at by Probst, censored by CBS. |
The purple team wins, & Reynold, Erik, Phillip, Cochran, & Dawn head to their reward, where a beef, chicken & seafood feast is laid before them.
Bonus table of a green apple in a bowl of oranges! |
Cochran says in a confessional that it was more food than they could have ever eaten, but he knows how important the protein is. "This is the sort of energy I need to be able to go into challenges & continue being the challenge monster I think I've proven myself to be.
John Cochran: Challenge Monster & Ocean Throne Discoverer. |
You would think Dawn would be more excited about the food, now that all her teeth are back, but she's all about the shower, while Phillip doesn't even realize it's there.
Back at camp, Dawn is back to being paranoid, thinking Andrea's going to flip to Alpha Beta. She's been spending time with Malcolm, & he's been releasing The Hair. I mean, who could resist?
Phillip agrees with Dawn that Andrea would be the first to flip, but he thinks Dawn is "a lunatic". He then talks to Andrea about Dawn, saying "she lives in a world of total paranoia". They haven't seen such insane behaviour since...well, you know...
Dawn again needs a moment, & Cochran encourages her to cry it out. But inside, you know he's all
After a good night's sleep, it appears Dawn does just that. Stealth R Us meets & decides Reynold (or Reynolds, depending on who you're asking) should go next. The 4 women will vote Reynold, the 3 men, Eddie.
Off to the Immunity Challenge, where Survivors will swim underneath a platform by pulling themselves along a rope, & then climb onto the platform where they will grab a ring which must be placed on a post on the other end. There will be 2 rings in the first round, & 5 rings in the final round. Phillip takes one look, & then declares he is sitting it out as he is uncomfortable. There's only one way Phillip's doing this challenge.
Not an option? I'm out. |
Not participating in an Immunity Challenge is crazy. Even if you think you're safe, you should be trying to prevent someone else from getting it. NUTS.
Reynold & Andrea move on to the final round, as do Malcolm & Brenda. I'm a big fan of the underwater footage. It looks cool, & also, my suspicion that Brenda is so comfortable in the water because she is a mermaid is finally confirmed.
It comes down to Reynold vs Malcolm, like always. Reynold wins Immunity, & Stealth R Us can't be too pleased.
Back at camp, Reynold is laughing at Phillip, who chose to sit out of the challenge. "I think it's sacrilegious to not even participate in a personal Immunity Challenge. Especially if you have lions & gorillas tattooed on your body."
"Come on, man." |
Phillip feels comfortable because he's in a majority alliance. What could go wrong? One idol between three guys is nothing. Still, Stealth R Us decides to search for a hidden idol, as Alpha Beta is openly searching as well.
Like most hidden Immunity Idols, it doesn't take long before it is found.
![]() |
Bros! |
Andrea & Dawn see Malcolm find the idol, so they report back to Stealth R Us. Two idols between three guys? Still not a problem. They decide to stick to splitting the votes - this time between Malcolm & Eddie.
Torches lit on the way to Tribal Council is more visually appealing, so shut it. |
Everyone is seated, & Michael, the first jury member appears.
Cheers, bitches! |
It comes up in Tribal Council that Malcolm had found an idol, & he takes it out. "Myself, Eddie, & Reynold are on the outs. It's kind of, like we have the plague or something...but this is supposed to be a game, so we figured we'd do something about it, & tonight we're gonna try to." He passes his other idol to Eddie.
Everyone is shocked & immediately starts whispering "Andrea" to each other.
Michael downs his whole bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon.
Audiences everywhere are stunned, even the superfans.
Somewhere, Matt Bischoff stops in mid-air as he senses a shift in Survivor through his wizard's orb.
Now, there's a lot of speculation about whether this was the smart move or not. Malcolm could have let Eddie go home, possibly saving both of his idols. He could have approached a few Stealth R Us operatives before Tribal Council, to get them to flip. Instead, he shocks everyone at Tribal Council, & announces that the 3 with Immunity are going to vote for Phillip. Why Phillip? Well, it seems like they just want to surprise everyone & have fun, so why not get rid of someone who is the most difficult to deal with & the least likely to flip to your alliance?
Though there's doubt Alpha Beta will vote the way they said they would, & also the possibility that an idol might not even be played, Phillip declares Operation Vote Split still a go. He repeats, it is still a go. Even if he goes home. With that, it is time to vote.
Both Eddie & Malcolm play their idols, & Probst reads the votes. After several for Malcolm & Eddie that don't count:
Yeah, that was me. |
So, The Specialist, the Stealth R Us figurehead, is gone. Whether or not this will make an impact in the alliance remains to be seen, but my guess is that things will go only more smoothly for Dawn, Cochran et al, & Alpha Beta have only bought themselves a little more time.
I hope you enjoyed the Lego - despite the permanent Lego imprints on my thumb, I had a lot of fun creating (& recreating) the pics. Thanks to @robstaboobuzzer for censoring Lego Sherri, & to my family for stepping on Lego all week.
There will be no recap for the next 2 weeks, but like last season, there will be a short 2-for-1 recap before episode 13. Check out a few of my favourite blogs in the meantime until I am back:
SuperJude's SuperBlog
Sarah Freeman
Let me know what you thought of the Lego recap below in the comments, on twitter (@MomofKai), or on this blog's Facebook page!
OK. I'm totally bummed that there will be no recap for the next two weeks. Seriously? If I did that in real life, I would be on the dole so fast you'd think you were in a time warp. crap. On the plus side, awesome lego recap. awesomeawesomeawesome. It'll have to do for a couple weeks. maybe I'll review last year's to hold me over.
Look for songs such as the hardcore metal/Christian rock mashup "Piss In The Beans (I want to be a Good Man)"
LOLOLOL....snorted my wine here....
I love the Harry Potter Cochran!!!!
Love it!!! I think you're awesome :) What a fun way to relive all of the craziness that was episode 10!
Meanwhile, you can check out my thoughts on this episode at the blog :)
Thanks, guys!
Peaches - Here's the song:
Nice recap.
Just for the record, there should be a song about Francesca being the two-time first boot, and a song about Brenda's and Erik's invisible edits
Found you through Reality Blurred and oh man, awesome!
I too found you through Reality Blurred. I can't believe you actually do this - and do it so well. You have COMPLETELY made my day! Thanks so much for doing this!
Reality Blurred sent me here. The brilliant Lego-caps will keep me coming back for more.
I never seen this before. It is amazing. Very creative and original. Well done
Another Reality Blurred denizen. I love how everything is sorta the wrong size, like the voting urn - hilarious!
Thank you for my entertainment for the day. I have now bookmarked you for future enjoyment!
This is amazing! I had no idea Legos were so complex.
Lisa, this is amazing. You're a genius!
Just found your site through Surviving Survivor's Facebook page. I love this! The Lego pics and captions are hilarious, and the Malcolm/Reynold duet had me giggling.
I've got you bookmarked and will be reading through all your archives this morning. Hope you are going to cover the Blood vs Water season.
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